Carmin’s Corner

A spot for me to put reclaim my place on the Internet.
  • Chemo Days

    Chemo Days

    Just a quick note to describe chemo day. If anyone (say, any middle schoolers reading this) wants a video instead, the prep video from Northwestern is actually pretty good. But basically, I start off the day with labs. This is to make sure that I’m healthy enough to proceed with chemo. Everything so far has…

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  • Hair


    So, my hair is definitely gone! The materials said it would start to fall out around the 14 days after the first treatment and it did. (And so my playlist has been updated to add a few hair-related songs!) One quick note: there is a thing called cold capping that many women are successfully using…

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  • Round 2 of Chemo (with bonus good news)

    Round 2 of Chemo (with bonus good news)

    So good news to start out Round 2! My labs looked good and most importantly, it looks like the tumor has already shrunk noticeably. I had thought I was feeling it shrink, but I was going to defer to the doctor to be sure. But this is good news for two reasons: I meet with…

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