Category: RumorsAndTumors
What’s Next: Kisqali
As I mentioned in my last post, I will start Kisqali in April. But because I will take it, it changed the type of hormone therapy drug that I have already started taking, so I thought I would first explain why I’m taking Kisqali. As a reminder, the main goal now is to stop the…
Another (Step) Bites the Dust
Today was the last day of radiation! Generally, I’ve held up pretty well for it. My skin is a little red, but not too irritated. As for fatigue, I have been a little tired. However, I think that surgery knocked me out so much that as I’ve healed from it, I’ve actually been gaining energy…
40% Done
A few of you asked if the radiation machine was fixed and yes, it was fixed the next day. So no clinical outcome delays, just my annoyance at not having it wrapped up in January. And having the five-day cycle end on a Monday instead of Friday! But it is all progressing fine. I see…
What’s Next: Radiation
Ok. I was really slow to update you. I did get the final drain removed two days before Christmas. I still had to rest and take things easy as there was a lot of swelling remaining. A big thanks to all the family who cooked and prepped for the holidays! Getting the drain out, though,…
A Draining Update
One drain in, one drain still there. And the advice is that to get it off, I need to stay as still as possible. The nurse suggested pretending that I had the arm in a sling to avoiding it. But that’s actually kind of awkward, so instead I borrowed a sling. It isn’t just annoying…
Drains Suck (Literally and Figuratively)
I’m almost two weeks out from my second surgery and well, I’ve been grumpy. Which probably has me less excited to want to give updates. It’s not so much because I want to hide the pain or grumpiness, but just that I’ve not felt like doing much of anything! Overall, surgery went well, but I…
Thank you!
Thanksgiving Day seems like a good time to thank all of you for everything you have done for us since my diagnosis and through my father’s own illness and death. A short list of ways people have helped us out: I listed all of this just remind us all that there are so many different…
I know I said I was going to blog less, but yesterday’s appointments were interesting enough (at least to me) that I wanted to give an update. And I do think writing it all down provides a record for me and makes sure I understand it as well! The big news was that there was…
A footnote on pCR for the geeks in the house
Yes, for those who have noticed, it is confusing that there are more than one PCR. Before this post, perhaps you only knew the COVID testing one. But, there was another one I was exposed to in my data science program. So just to keep them all straight, here is a list: Fortunately, it generally…
Surgery Update
It’s a little odd that I used the Full House gif Monday and then Dave Coulier went on the speaking circuit today to discuss his recent diagnosis of cancer. But just a little update on how surgery went for me. There were a few things that I didn’t expect that I figure I might as…