FAQ (Updated August 4, 2024)

A place to come for common questions we are fielding (aka FAQ):

I’m new here: What’s going on?

I (Carmin) have Stage 2 breast cancer. I was diagnosed shortly before turning 51. For more details on the type, it is ++- (ER positive, PR positive, HER negative). My Mammoprint score was a High 1, so chemotherapy was recommended to help lower my risk of recurrence. Because I was going to need chemo anyway, I’m having the chemo before surgery. The idea is that it will shrink the tumor and make surgery less invasive.

How many chemo treatments? And how often?

I have 4 cycles of chemo, three weeks apart. The chemo is commonly referred to as TC, but the formal names are Docetaxel (pictured) + Cyclophosphamide. As of this writing, cycle one is complete. The next is scheduled for August 16th. Following that cycle, the others should be September 6th and 27th if all continues on cycle.

Are you working? On leave?

I am working remotely at this time. Work has been very supportive, but according to the doctors, they recommend trying to maintain a normal life. Because I can work remotely and stay protected when immunocompromised, they want me to do so. I take off the treatment day and days where I am feeling ill from treatment, but still continuing to work.

How can we help practically?

Many of you have already said “yes” when I’ve asked for a favor or two, so thank you for that! And we have appreciated lots of other small kindness in our lives.

That said, many of you have asked to cook, and well, I do like new food. So there is a Meal Train. It has our home address on it, so I’m not going to link here, but it can be found on Facebook or by texting John or me. There is absolutely no obligation, but if that is something you like to do, the Meal Train helps keep things organized, so feel free to help out that way.

Anything else?

For emotional support, the occasional text, IM, wave is always welcome. I may not get an extended reply in, but I appreciate the thoughts. I have also appreciated other breast cancer journeyers who have shared their tips and tricks for getting through chemo and the whole process. Many of you have also reached out to John and supported him as he has embraced the “comfort in, dump out” mentality of the Ring Theory. (The original article seems stuck behind a paywall, but it is a great read if you can get to it.)

Overall, we definitely feel the love and support from all of you on a regular basis.

But I do like a good playlist. So here’s one for you to contribute to (link now updated, but has to be changed every 5 days, so we will see how often I get it fixed!). Sort of like Inside Out 2, I run through the gamut of emotions on a regular basis, so feel free to add music that meets any mood! I’ve got it all: anger, happiness, sadness, fear, anxiety, etc. But energetic songs are great for getting me moving on a walk and chill music for falling asleep. Any style, genre or mood is welcome. I look forward to your creativity! If you can’t add via Apple Music, list a song suggestion in the comments and someone can add it for you.

How about the boys?

I generally want to respect their ability to define their own social media story, so I won’t say much to respect their privacy. But overall, we have kept them informed of each step of the journey and they have been very sweet and supportive of me.


12 responses to “FAQ (Updated August 4, 2024)”

  1. Sevy Mueller Avatar
    Sevy Mueller

    Carmin, thank you for keeping us informed.
    I wish I could do more to make things better for you. I love you and want to support you in any way I can. Please let me know if there’s anything specific I can do to help or if there’s anything you need from me.
    Sending my love and prayers.

  2. Jane Perry Avatar
    Jane Perry


  3. Jane Perry Avatar
    Jane Perry

    Praying for you.

  4. Romell A. Cummings Avatar
    Romell A. Cummings

    Praying for your good health, peace of mind, and successful recovery through these treatments. Extending compassion, empathy, patience, and understanding toward you and your family during this time.

  5. I usually feel like my ideas for helping people are terrible, but when somebody says “add to my playlist” it’s my time to shine. 😂 Anyway, I can’t figure out how to add the song via the Apple Music website but here’s my contribution: https://music.apple.com/us/album/gmf/1704351111?i=1704351378 Thinking of you and your family, and looking forward to catching up once all this is done.

  6. Kim Craig Avatar
    Kim Craig

    Thank you for sharing. I love your bravery and honesty!! Sending prayers and hugs and good vibes!

  7. Thank you for letting us into your personal journey. I’ll miss you at ILTA. Sending lots of positive thoughts and wishes your way. ❤️

  8. Xoxo, I will definitely try to add to the playlist, and you know my door is festooned with glitter and sparkles if you have any makeup or skincare questions or want recommendations. ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Brendan Burns Avatar
    Brendan Burns


    I am sorry to hear this but am sure you will persevere through it and come out stronger. I am not much of a cook these days but happy to help in any way I can. Feel free to reach out anytime.

  10. Beverly Farrell Avatar
    Beverly Farrell

    Hey Carmin,
    Just saw this. I will keep you in my prayers. But you are such an amazing person, I know you’ve got this!

    Songs: Rainbow Connection by the Carpenters;
    Get this Party Started by Pink;
    Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by the Andrew’s Sisters

  11. Maria Robertson Avatar
    Maria Robertson

    Hi Carmín,

    Sending you strength and love from Valencia, Spain. I tried to post to your playlist. I really like I am Here by Pink. You are surrounded by love.

  12. Kathryn Blume Van Gaasbeek Avatar
    Kathryn Blume Van Gaasbeek


    Praying for your successful treatment and peaceful recovery. You amaze me with your story and sharing it with folks like me. Keep inspiring us and take very good care, Beautiful!