
I’ve been advocating for a return to the use of the word fortnight to clear up the confusion between twice a week and every other week. I was hopeful that the Taylor Swift/Post Malone collaboration might help bring it back to regular use, but so far I haven’t seen it re-emerge in daily usage.

So, why rambling thoughts on fortnights (and not the video game kind either)? Well, because this wait for test results has been the longest to date: estimated to be at least a fortnight.

So, in the meantime, life goes on pretty much like normal. They drew blood and test results are normal. I continue to feel fine. Oddly, it has started to remind me of the last weeks of pregnancy. In both cases, I knew life was about to change, I knew pain was in future, but there was nothing to do but wait. Fortunately, the kids are a little more life-affirming than this stupid tumor!

But, as those of you who know me even remotely well, patience is not my virtue. Kind of like being pregnant, I find myself torn between nesting (decluttering, board games and cooking have all been good things) and going out as much as possible (Cubs games, long talks over drinks, college visits and excellent theatre). Which have generally given me enough distraction to manage my impatience. But, there is still time for a little thinking about pondering what I’m facing.

In other words, now that I think about it–it’s been a very busy fortnight!

P.S. The image is of a Rhubarb-Strawberry crisp, recipe found here, but with a few blueberries and raspberries where we didn’t have quite enough rhubarb or strawberries and it made the sauce deep and rich. Highly recommend next rhubarb season.


2 responses to “Fortnight”

  1. Lori Borrows Avatar
    Lori Borrows

    The waiting….! Cooking is a good distraction for sure. (I can hardly ever find rhubarb!) Glad you’re feeling good otherwise. 💕

  2. Aaron Ballou Avatar
    Aaron Ballou

    We were spoiled with the amount of rhubarb we had growing up!