Planning for chemo

So an update to the lack of the update. So, neither the Mammoprint or Oncotype are back yet. As a reminder, this is the genetic testing on the tumor itself which gives a score as to the likelihood of cancer returning and spreading. And it uses that score to determine whether there is a benefit to chemo. (Pics of a sample and the other information she gave me are above.)

But, for whatever reason, neither test is back yet. My oncologist said she has been writing and calling every day: “There are so many people on the email chain!”

So, in the meantime, we are going a little old school. She’s using her experience with the tumor itself and the markers we have to make the recommendation to proceed with chemo. But, because it is a close and difficult call (she also referenced a lot of emails with the surgeon), she is taking the case to the tumor board on Monday.

The tumor board has half oncologists and half surgeons in the room and they discuss/argue/debate/agree (I don’t really know–I haven’t been in the room!) about the best course of treatment.  From what I can tell, it is maybe like an mediation or maybe more like an IEP for me.  

But in the meantime, she has scheduled me to start chemo on August 2nd, so that’s what we are planning for. I’ve updated work, so my next plan is, knowing that chemo can alter taste as well as what you can and should eat, to spend the next two weeks eating everything I love in Chicago!



4 responses to “Planning for chemo”

  1. Michael-Anne Mundy Avatar
    Michael-Anne Mundy

    Sending hugs and prayers of healing. One of the best pieces of advice I received was to tell my oncologist and or ask about lil symptoms too because she likely has a resolution. Certain chemos can make some eyes watery or dry. I rubbed my eyes and had broken blood vessels. It took awhile to go away. I told my oncologist and she said to start using thera tears and I did. It never happened again. 🩷

    1. Julianne Avatar

      My dad had that same advice. That is very useful. Carmin – I am loving the enjoy all the Chicago food plan!

  2. Kathy Penrose Avatar
    Kathy Penrose

    Fingers still crossed that you can avoid as much as possible!

    But FYI, I was “fine” re food until 2-3 days after each infusion, so you may be able to eat more than you think. I had relatively few of the “expected” side effects and a couple of, “huh – haven’t heard that one before” side effects…so if you do need chemo & you have something odd, check in with me bc maybe it’s something on my list & I have tips. Also (& again, I hope none of this is necessary!!): if you will lose hair, *shave* your head, don’t just buzz cut like I did, bc in my case I had a ton of tiny hairs all over my house for weeks (which also made me nauseated to see for some reason). And peppermint oil roll-on for under my nose helped with the “bad taste in mouth” feel. I am NOT an essential oils person, but went to acupuncture and she recommended the roll-on peppermint oil for headaches. It did nothing for headaches, but it helped a lot with the yucky taste/smell. Those are two things I never read anywhere (so maybe it was just me lol) but you might want to consider if you need chemo. Which I still hope you don’t!!

  3. That kinda *does* sound like an IEP. ❤️❤️❤️