The missed food tour (and other bad stuff)

So while I’m still riding the high of getting the “less evil” chemo and being excited to get going on this, I figured I would note that yeah, there is a lot of bad stuff here too. Also, this post was largely drafted while waiting to start chemo today. So, who knows how my mood will change by the end of the day.

Obviously there is just the whole “you have cancer” thing that just hangs over me now and forever. And it hits me at random times, in random places. But there have also been some specific immediate disappointments.

On the lighter side, here’s the list of restaurants I had planned for the next week that now have to wait for me:

  • Pilsen Yards
  • Amaro
  • Cariño
  • Le Bouchon
  • Anelya
  • Indienne

Your image for this post is of the BLT and corn on the cob that I did manage to sneak in!

I’ve also already missed my work’s annual big event in Huntington Beach, including my part of the presentation on the fancy stage. And it looks like the trip to France for me is off (but still hoping to get John there).

And of course, as I start chemo, the list of side effects is a bit overwhelming. So for those who haven’t had chemo, you may not know this, but you actually get chemo orientation. It was not near as fun as college or high school orientation, but it was a pretty long phone call with lots of information.

But some of the side effects that are either definite or likely are:

  • Hair will fall out: Given my almost lifetime short hair status, I know this will be a little less of an adjustment for me than others. But, I still like my hair! And I like making the choice of how to change it, not having chemo make that choice for me. I also finally found a barber who is doing a great job with it at a reasonable price. So losing it will suck!
  • Steroids: I forget why steroids are part of the process, but I’ve been on them a few times for asthma. And I’m not a fan. I don’t sleep well. I get jittery. Ugh.
  • Nausea: They have a lot of drugs for this now, but feeling nauseous is never fun.
  • Intestinal issues: While I understand intellectually how both diarrhea and constipation can be side effects of this process, it does seem extra cruel to have both!
  • Skin and nerve irritation: If you’ve ever been around me when I have had one mosquito bite, you know I go a little crazy with itchy skin so I’m not looking forward to the possibilities here.
  • Neuropathy: One side effect for many people on chemo is neuropathy, which is numbness or pain in the fingers and toes. To prevent this, you wear ice gloves and booties during chemo and, well, we know how much I hate being cold!

I am sure I am missing a few things. So it will not be a fun few months.

I did just realize that I should see if I am up for getting a passport photo before I lose my hair. If I can’t travel, I should at least get my passport renewed and ready to go!

Post chemo update: Everything went well today. Home now and sort of trying to keep to a normal routine! But doing what I need to prepare for the above symptoms and prevent them as much as possible. I head back tomorrow am for an injection that boosts my white blood cells.